[INACTIVE][INFO] MCDocsPlus v1.1.2 - A continuation of MCDocs [1240]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by RTRD, Sep 25, 2011.

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    Discussion here on this thread!
    MiNdFrReAk likes this.
  2. Offline


    Right now there will be only support for PermissionBukkit, because it is the FUTURE! :D

    And I havent got the fix for iCo6 yet. I will try to contact the Plugin Developer. ;)
  3. Offline

    Rich Boos

    We have heard that before, when Essentials dropped GroupManager for Permissions by theYeti, which was abandoned shortly thereafter. Perhaps we should not put all our eggs in one basket even if we think it will be 'the future'. (Highly debatable - PermissionsBukkit is a step forward for centralization but a step backwards for group management, just look at your most recent changelog.
    It is great if you are the only player on your server and don't need to support groups, prefixes, suffixes, groups, groups, groups, and groups.)
    After all: doesn't future-proofing also include establishing redundancy?

    Anyway thanks a lot for taking this one over. I donated when it was under taz's control and will gladly donate again when /mcdocs -reload works and more than one permissions system is supported.

    (Edit: Changed 'disputable' to 'debatable'. Didn't mean to imply one was wrong, only that one size does not fit all)
  4. Offline


    Can you fix your post? :p
  5. Offline

    Rich Boos

    Yeah I was stuck in endless quotes :rolleyes:
    RTRD likes this.
  6. Offline


    You want me to re-implement some permissions plugins?

    Ops, forgot to add that to the changelog. It was changed from /mcdocs -reload to /mcdp -reload in v1. And in v1.1 it is changed to /mcdp reload.

    EDIT: Added a donate button in the thread.
  7. Offline

    Rich Boos

    I haven't updated to 1.1 because of the loss of %group, %prefix, %suffix and %online_group. Quite a regression, hence why I'm a fan of supporting more than one permissions system. Having used GroupManager, Permissions2, Permissions3, BukkitPermissions,bPermissions, and PEX, I have to say PEX is still kicking butt and taking names. It is a great transition permission system, supporting both superperms and classic features like *wildcard, prefix, suffix, and great in-game commands.
  8. Offline


    Thanks for the feedback! And i'll look into re-implenting the old permission systems. ;)
  9. Offline


    Is that able that you can take the online_groups back?
    In PermissionsBukkit, you can also see the groups and how there Names of it like Permissions 3.x.
    So I wondered that you have removed it oO.
    So far. If you can, did you like to re-implement %prefix & %suffix etc again?
    But with an Chat-Plugin like Simple Prefix.

    Thanks a lot for the Fast updating of PermissionsBukkit.
    If it has a online_groups-System then i will able to donate.
  10. Offline


    Great plugin so far, working much better with PermissionsBukkit than the old version was.

    That said, I have a request:

    - a way to 'not' inherit permissions when using groups. For example, when my admins do /help, they get the help files for all 4 groups below them. I'd like a way to simply load the 'help-admin.txt' if possible. This could also be a problem with the way I'm configuring it...

    Great job so far! Best documentation plugin currently available, for sure.
  11. Offline


    Have you read the last posts? Or even the page on BukkitDev? :/

    The problem is that i removed it in v1.1 because permissionbukkit does not support it directly. And I am working on re-implementing that and the old permissions. And read the page on bukkitdev. ;)
  12. Offline


    if you give your players mcdocsplus.* so that they can read any document, doesn't that also give them access to /mcdp reload and any other mcdp command?

    Wouldn't it be useful to create a new node that would only allow for reading docs? Something like mcdocsplus.read.*? That way, if you wanted to call out permissions for individual docs you could, but you could also give access to ALL docs without also giving access to the whole suite of commands.
  13. Offline


    Great Idea! :) I'll start working on that! ;)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2016
  14. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    btw: take a look at Register to support all economies...
  15. Offline


    There is no tutorial for beginners... :(
  16. Offline

    Don Redhorse

    yeah I know... that is the part I'm stumbling upon also..
  17. Offline


    Please add vanishnopacket support for being invis in the online list ;)
  18. Offline


    I'll look into it! :)
  19. Offline


    I'm guessing this doesn't support iConomy 6 yet, as it returns "Please update iConomy to v5 or higher". Also, it will not show the motd on player join. This page says that the permissions for on-join-motd is mcdocsplus.motd , while this page is right when it says it is mcdocsplus.player. Need more consistency.
  20. Offline


    Sorry need to update that! :p It is supposed to be mcdocsplus.motd ;)
  21. Offline


    Took me a while to figure it out T.T;
  22. Offline


    Haha, sorry for confusing you! :p
  23. Offline


    Its all good, its why I pointed it out. I thought I was going cazy for a minute, checked OP, checked the files, checked the config...
    RTRD likes this.
  24. Offline


    Getting an Error with intallation of 1.1.1

    No motd shows if I or another player joins. Permission Nodes was set.
    If I type a Command ingame then the Console shows me:
            at no.rtrd.bukkit.mcdocsplus.Time.getTime(Time.java:28)
            at no.rtrd.bukkit.mcdocsplus.Listener.variableSwap(Listener.java:386)
            at no.rtrd.bukkit.mcdocsplus.Listener.onPlayerCommandPreprocess(Listener.java:366)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$5.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:272)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:58)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:339)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(NetServerHandler.java:750)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.chat(NetServerHandler.java:722)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:715)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(Packet3Chat.java:33)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:226)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:92)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:471)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:374)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:417)
    If you need the Config, write 2 me.
  25. Offline


    Please post following:
    • Bukkit Build
    • MCDocsPlus Version
    • Console Errors
    • config.yml
  26. Offline


    1. 1240
    2. Allready posted
    3. Allready posted

    #MCDocsPlus v1.1.1 by RTRD
    #Configuration File.
    #For detailed assistance please visit: http://wiki.rtrd.no/index.php?title=MCDocsPlus
    #Here we determine which command will show which file.
    - /motd:motd.txt
    - /hilfe:help.txt
    - /clog:clog.txt
    - /clog2:clog2.txt
    - /clog3:clog3.txt
    - /admins:admins.txt
    - /frei:frei.txt
    #This changes the pagination header that is added to MCDocs automatically when there is > 10 lines of text.
    header-format: '&c%commandname - Page %current of %count &f| &7%command <page>'
    #Format to use when using %online or %online_group.
    online-players-format: '%name'
    #The file to displayed when using %news.
    news-file: news.txt
    #How many lines to show when using %news.
    news-lines: 1
    #How long, in minutes, do you want online files to be cached locally? 0 = disable
    cache-time: 5
    #Time format
    time-Format: hh:mm a
    #Show a MOTD at login? Yes: true | No: false
    motd-enabled: true
    #Inform the console when a player uses a command from the commands-list.
    command-log-enabled: true
  27. Offline


    What permission plugin are you using? :)
  28. Offline


    with the vers. 1.1 it was perfect.
    But now it don't work. Nothing with this plugin :/
    Did you need the permissions?
    I can send you a little bit from it.
  29. Offline


  30. Offline


    Already have the new permissions.
  31. Offline


    Ah, ok. I'll check if I can generate the same error. Can you try restarting your server and see if it fails again?

    BTW what version of permissionbukkit are you using?

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