[INACTIVE][GEN] kGeneral 1.2.1 - General customizable commands [140]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by TerraPlay, Jan 23, 2011.

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    kGeneral - General customizable commands:
    Version: v1.2

    kGeneral is a general plugin that gives you every command you need for the basics of your server. No unneccessary commands, just like in hMod. I did this plugin because I want to give the users the freedom of make this plugin unique. You can nearly edit everything - The messages, the colors and even the commands.

    • Basic commands for your server
    • Supports Permissions
    • Easy usage
    • Fully customizable messages, colors and commands
    Planned features:
    • Kick and ban
    • Whitelist
    • Reservelist
    • Edit the give command to change the byte codes from for example normal log to redwood or birch log
    • Make useless commands useful :)
    /help (Under development)
    /rules [Page]
    /clearinventory [Player]
    /give|item [ID] [Amount]
    /setspawn (Under development)
    /tp [Player]
    /tphere|s  [Player]
    /kit (Under development)
    /time day|night|raw
    /msg|tell|m [Player] [Message] (For now you can only send 1 word, try to do it with _ ;P)
    /home (Under development)
    /sethome (Under development)
    /warp (Under development)
    /setwarp (Under development)
    /removewarp (Under development)
    /compass (Under development)
    Add these permissions to your /Permissions/config.yml
    kGeneral.item (optional)
    kGeneral.playerlist (optional)
    kGeneral.help (not needed yet)
    Download kGeneral

    Version 1.2.1
    • Added damage of blocks to give
    Version 1.2
    • Permissions supported
    • MOTD added
    • Added some commands with no functions yet
    Version 1.1
    • Customizable Plugintag
    • Playerlist command
    • Message command
    • Give command
    • Time command
    • Spawn command
    • Customizable Colors
    Version 1.0
    • Releasing kGeneral
  2. Offline


    it keeps telling me the proper use of /give whenever it try too use it
    i tried:
    /give Demonhuntr 1 1
    /give 1 Demonhuntr 1
    /give 1 1 Demonhuntr
    then i tried demonhuntr (lower case d) no succes
    then i tried /give 1 1 1 and then it said can't find user 1. its kinda annoying.
    I'm running with Permissions and i am an Admin with acces too ALL commands.
    Also using, give demonhuntr 1 1 in the console works just fine
  3. Offline


    for the msg plugin what i did for my old plugin for hmod is:
    String votetext = "";
    for(int x=1;x<split.length;++x){
    votetext = votetext + (split[x] + " ");
  4. Offline


    When I try "/i 10" I get:

    Feb 9, 2011 8:12:19 PM org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager callEvent
    SEVERE: Could not pass event PLAYER_COMMAND to kGeneral
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack.<init>(IIB)V
            at com.bukkit.klayver.kGeneral.kGeneralPlayerListener.onPlayerCommand(kGeneralPlayerListener.java:128)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$5.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:144)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:60)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:214)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.c(NetServerHandler.java:602)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:575)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(SourceFile:24)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(SourceFile:232)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:72)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:104)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:310)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:225)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:512)
    2011-02-09 20:12:19 [INFO] TheYellowAnt issued server command: i 10
    2011-02-09 20:12:19 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    I have edited kGeneral.commands to use /i instead of /item, and I have permissions set to '*'. If I try "/i stone" I get the same problem that Demonhuntr reported; the kGeneral just tells me "Usage: /i|give [ID] [Amount] [Byte]"

    Thanks for the plugin! I hope you get it working. =)
    --- merged: Feb 10, 2011 4:17 AM ---
    Feb 9, 2011 8:16:01 PM org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager callEvent
    SEVERE: Could not pass event PLAYER_COMMAND to kGeneral
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.Server.getTime()J
            at com.bukkit.klayver.kGeneral.kGeneralPlayerListener.onPlayerCommand(kGeneralPlayerListener.java:75)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$5.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:144)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:60)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:214)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.c(NetServerHandler.java:602)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:575)
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(SourceFile:24)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(SourceFile:232)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:72)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:104)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:310)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:225)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:512)
    2011-02-09 20:16:01 [INFO] TheYellowAnt issued server command: time day
    Looks like /time is broken too.

    This is bukkit #289.
  5. Offline


    because i stopped playing minecraft, i'll also stop updating this plugin until i'll play it again. sorry :/
  6. Offline


    I can't use the "/time day" command and the "/give bob 3 64" command. How i use them is in the quotations, i can go to the spawn though, and in the permissions for the admin there is a "*" so please help as i am new to this.
  7. Offline


    same problem as theyellowant but with also PLAYER_JOIN please fix
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Could you make /home, /warp and maybe /spawn disable themself without blocking MyWarp, MyHome or other Warp, Home or Spawnplugins?
  10. Offline


    Read the post above yours >_>
  11. Offline


    Wow, sorry, when I posted it wasn't there =P
  12. Offline


    Alot of people do not use permissions. Simply add a } else { and if(player.isOp() or whatever it may be.

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