[INACTIVE] [GEN/FUN] MinecartAnnouce v0.1 - Tells your server when someones uses your minecarts

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Butkicker12, Aug 22, 2011.

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    MinecartAnnounce: v.0.1
    Tells your server when someone hops on a minecart.
    Download: Dropbox
    Source: Todo
    Announces to your server that someone is using a minecart

    Add on off commands​
    /minecart spawns a minecart​
    Permissions support​
    Source Code on thread​
    Op support​

    Version 0.1:​


    I knew there would be a troll, a friend requested this and it has more features

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  2. Offline


    Link request and I'll believe you, for now all it does is send 1 message saying "so and so got into a Minecart" I just would never see a use for this o.o Not trolling or anything, I'm saying there are already sooo many plugins that "Alert" when people do certain things.

    + Trolls don't give you helpful advice. "Every plugin written doesn't have to be released."
    If you friend really wants this just send him the .jar via download, email, skype, forum, or whatever.
  3. Offline


    Add on off commands​
    /minecart spawns a minecart​
    Permissions support​
    Source Code on thread​

    Op support​

    I want to change the name to MinecartSystem. Tell me what wass your first plugin you released?​
  4. Offline


    My very first plugin released was Captureme (Now Inactive) then CastleMania (Still Going), then PvPManager(Now Inactive), I'm currently working on developing a GUI that goes along with a Aether plugin, Me and my friend @Krendal help create 2 minecraft weather mods on our spare time. I don't see why this information is essential. I'm simply giving helpful advice. I'd really prefer not to get into a argument over your plugins thread. If I harmed you I apologize. I was trying to give helpful advice in the best way possible. You must learn now then later lad.
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    Well most of the time I learn as I go.
  6. Offline


    This is most certainly more useless than a TNT announce plugin.

    Let me think,

    onVehicleEnter(onVehicleEnterevent event){

    Player p = event.getPlayer();

    plugin.Server.broadcast(" a noob has entered a vehicle and made a plugin WOOOOW");


    Plugin done D:

    And a ToDo is still a ToDo. Everyone adds a ToDo but very few actually get to do it.
    Orcem12 likes this.
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    class MinecartAnnounceVehicleListener extends
    public void
    onVehicleEnter(VehicleEnterEvent event){
    if(event.getEntered() instanceof
    Player p = (Player)event.getEntered();
    String playername = p.getName();
    Server server = p.getServer();
    BLUE + playername + " is using the minecart system!"

    Todo is alomst done. What is it pick on the n00b day.
    DerekZil likes this.
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    @Plague This plugin is now inactive :)

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