[INACTIVE][ADMIN] DeadlyBorder v1.0 [261]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by mindless728, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Offline


    DeadlyBorder - controls the movements of players to a certain map size
    Version: 1.0

    Quick Links:
    Download: DeadlyBorder
    Source: in the jar file
    Bukkit Versions: Bukkit-120 CraftBukkit-260

    This plugin controls the movement of players in your server by making anything outside the border instantly deadly. When a player moves outside of the border they are slain and they drop no items, however, they get a warning warningDistance away from the border. Also, blocks outside of the border cannot be damage and explosions outside of the warning distance do no damage.

    • Controls player movement on the server
    • Explosions don't destroy the landscape outside of the warning border

    • Make options configurable through commands (waiting for permissions in Bukkit)
    • Suggestions?

    Version 1.0
    • Initial Release

    Sample configuration file
    CenterX: 0
    CenterZ: 0
    SideSize: 200
    WarningDistance: 10
    What the variables mean:
    CenterX: the center of the border zone's x position
    CenterZ: the center of the border zone's z position
    SideSize: the size of one size
    WarningDistance: the number of blocks inset the warning zone is

    If your SideSize = 2000, CenterX = 0, CenterZ = 0, then the borders of the map are from (-1000,-1000) to (1000,1000)
  2. Offline


    I'd love if instead of instantly dead, it just took X amount of health, every Y seconds, configurable. So, say half a heart every 2 seconds while outside of the border.
  3. Offline


    What if the player had tons of golden apples?, wow. Didn't think about that one did ya? ... lol. I totally agree, you don't take it serious before anything happens.
  4. It would still be nice with that option.
    Maybe an option to make players unable to use food outside border to?
  5. Offline


    i found it just easier just to kill the player so there isn't any glitch they could work around, though i could try to put it in their for an update
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    umm so is this not working then?
  8. Offline


    would you mind specifying as i have release 2 other plugins using this format and have been accepted and i am not seeing what i am missing from the guidelines (i have Name, Version, Bukkit versions, Features, Download link, Source is in the jar, and the Changelog)

    it works, they just haven't moved it to releases as they think it hasn't met their guidelines for release

    EDIT: Has been moved to realeases??? should have checked that first
  9. Offline


    Would it be possible for it to rain arrows outside of the border?
  10. Offline


    i think constantly raining arrows would lag the server not to mention people underground would be hit (if coming from the sky)
  11. Offline


    This is amazing! I love this. Please add permissions support.
    Idea: Multiple borders - Small for default group, medium for rank up, big for donors... etc.

    Thanks for this.
  12. Offline


    mulitple borders isn't a bad choice, i am waiting for Bukkit's permissions
  13. Offline


    Jar file saves as zero bytes. Just me or problem?
  14. Offline


    nope, something on your end, worked for me fine just now
  15. Offline


    This + BorderKill sounds perfect.

    Try to outwit me with golden apple kits, eh? Oh shit you just hit the deadlyborder.
  16. Offline


    well time to update this plugin then if someone is going to use it
  17. Offline


    Does this works with build 531?
  18. Offline


    not yet, my class schedule is pretty heavy, i will try to get this working tomorrow night for the newest builds
  19. Offline


    Hmm, about that, If you import "Craftbukkit" when creating a plugin, as an external JAR...
    Everything works, why do they still develop Bukkit when craftbukkit is actually an all-in-1 package?
  20. Offline


    anyone going to update this?
  21. Offline


    if/when i get time, it will probably be a complete re-write as i needed multi-world support and to not kill admins (ie OP's)
  22. Offline


    Why did this plugin had been removed?
  23. Offline


    because i haven't updated it in forever and a day
  24. Offline


    you gonna update this? if not could i update it for you and add some features?
  25. Offline


    i have an updated version that i did for a private server, if you want to maintain it i can post the code here so you can grab that version

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