Impossible for me to Port Forward

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by grant1222, Apr 21, 2012.

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    Okay, before you guys get mad at me for posting such a repeatedly ask question, let me just make this clear, I have literally tried EVERYTHING!

    I am a Hamachi user, but before I tried Hamachi I tried to Port forward so people wouldn't have to worry about connecting to my Hamachi and stuff. Looked at all the guides, followed every youtube video down to a par, and NOTHING works. I really want to have an option of using Port Foward, but use Hamachi as a back up. Port Fowarding is just more efficient, and faster. Here is a list of everything I've done.

    First off I have a NETGEAR WNDR3400v2 router.

    -I have actually Fowarded or attempted to using the router website
    -I tried multiple internal IP, including my main one
    -Switched IP to static instead of dynamic
    -Changing my Firewall settings to what everyone said
    -Changed around my Anti Virus software
    -Turned them OFF to see if that helped, but it didn't
    -Enabled the NetTcpPortshare on my task manager which is supposed to help supposedly

    I then check to see if my port is opened by going to and many other port checking websites. They all say I can't connect.

    I might have missed something, but if I remember it I'll put it down. So please does anyone have other ideas of something I might need to do to get my Port opened? And yes, I know I use Hamachi, but I would rather Port forward. Thanks....

    Does anyone have any idea?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
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    Deleted user

    1. Portforward your ip to
    2. Make sure that your Protocols are set to Both
    3. Try using the port 25565
  3. Offline


    Make sure both protocols are at both, I had that problem for hours
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    But my wouldn't it matter that my IP isn't

    And what do you mean by protocols?
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    Deleted user

    Try that IP.
    Protocols are the TCP and the UCP things.
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    It says that it has to be a LAN IP adress, meaning that it has to be MY IP, which still doesn't work.
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    Deleted user

    -snip-. Try that one.
  8. Offline


    Of course it's not going to work, the only one that can work is 192.168.5 because that's my Internal IP. Still got same error.
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    you should add your server's MAC address to the Reserved IP list. So thus every reboot of the router it will give you're server pc the same local IP of

    Make sure the port is forwarded to the correct local IP. Make sure you make a custom 'service' as shown from what I google..

    Open the port on your SERVER.
    If you have linux setup iptables
    If you have Windows, open the ports in your Windows Firewall or other firewall/AV software you have. Windows Firewall is very wonky. Make sure you google and understand as I believe its common to 'open' a port but it actually only be open for local IPs while denying any non local namespace. This has to do with the 'public' and 'home' networking system windows uses. (like when you connect a new lan cable or WIFI it asks if its a public or home/trusted connection. Base on this selection different firewall rules apply)

    Trouble Shoot
    Step 1 -> Is the server Online?
    --- can you connect via localhost/
    yes - next step
    no - start server? ip/port config, did the server start properly? etc

    Step 2 ->Is the server online in the local net.
    --- can you connect from another computer on your local network with
    yes - next step
    no - You have firewall or software stopping connections to server computer. This is something software based on the Server machine. Nothing to do with the router.

    Step 3 ->
    --- can a friend connect with you're public IP of (NON LOCAL IP, this will not be in the or namespace)
    yes - You have a working server
    no - The router is blocking the connect. The port forward is not properly setup or working. Possibly try DMZ or troubleshoot your router.
  10. Offline


    What fixed it for me was that NAT when I set my NAT filtering to Open. It would finally let traffic flow correctly for a game server. Otherwise the port would stay closed.
  11. Offline


    Open? Are you talking about the NetTCPportshare or something else?

    Tried it... Oh wow still didn't work what a surprise. Thanks for the help though at least I might be one step closer....

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
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