iConomy item eater (LOL)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by t1tanium, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. Offline


    wazzap i need a plugin when u place a chest and put some sign above it.
    well the funciton of the chest is going to be that when a player puts an item in it the chest will eat it and the player recieves money for it. Also it would be great with an config file like

    Before bukkit when ''hmod'' was used there was a plugin called iCTrade i think
    edit: i found the plugin link: http://mc.nexua.org/plugins/iConomy/plugins.php?p=iCTrade
    DO NOT TELL ME TO USE iConomy Chest Shop cuz thats not what i want!!
  2. Offline


    How about my ATMsigns plugin? Only allows 3 item types to be deposited... but it's kind of what you're after, without the chest.
  3. Offline


    nah, thanks for respond but i really need a chest to deposit items in :)
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    I can try to work on this, i'm new to java in general and the bukkit API, so it will take me a little while to make... Also, do you want any permission nodes? What do you want it to be called? I will use VAULT for it too, so you would need that.
  6. Offline


    yeah this sounds like a good way for ya to learn the bukkit API! just PM me if u hit any snags, i know how i would write this but it will be interesting to see how u do it :p

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