How to use NMS?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Waffletastic, Dec 1, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    So, I want effects that aren't in bukkit yet, and a friend told me to use net minecraft server or something, anyone know what this is and how to use it?
  2. Offline


    Never heard of it.
    Anyway, could you explain with more detail, what you want to achieve?
  3. You need to add craftbukkit as a resource just like you did with bukkit.
    Then you can access classes like CraftServer, CraftWorld (anything beginning with Craft, basically) as well as net.minecraft.server classes (which is the native server code, modified by bukkit).

    Note that you should only do that if there really is no other option.
    Your plugin then becomes very more likely to break with updates.

    You can find the code itself here: (all classes that were modified/added by craftbukkit) (all unmodified net.minecraft.server classes that craftbukkit uses)
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