How to set up double titles? (PermissionsEX)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Kabino, Dec 7, 2012.

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    I was wondering if there was a way to give users 2 titles such as:

    [VIP][Guest] and when they get promoted they would be [VIP][Member] and so on. Normal players would just be [Guest] and [Member] etc..

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks :D
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    I guess you could set up Group Formats, and have the subrank as a prefix
  3. Offline


    I used to make separate groups for the donators who were staff, like ModVIP, then assign a [Mod] [VIP] prefix for them using a chat plugin (mChat, EssentialsChat, etc.)

    That might work.
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    I forgot to mention I have many ranks so it wouldn't be practical to make a [VIP] [RANK] for every rank and that would mess up the rank purchasing. I am still trying to figure this out so if anyone knows a way, let me know.
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    i dont think any known permission plugin allows secondary groups to set prefix/suffix.
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