How to check when a LivingEntity is dead

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by tips48, Oct 9, 2011.

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  1. So, basically. I have a PlayerInteract Event.
    This code damages the entity
    2. LivingEntity e = getLookingAt(p);
    3. e.damage(g.getBodyDamage(), p);

    (It all works, that isn't the problem)
    I now need to check if e is dead. First, I used e.isDead(), but that didn't work. Then I used e.getHealth() <= 0. That works, but the problem is while the entity is going through its death animation it still returns true, thus leading to it being true more than once.
  2. Offline


    You could just call the onEntityDamage event, get the attacker from the livingentity. Try using e.getHealth() < 0 because when it's equal, the entity can still be living.

    Just a suggestion, someone else probably has a more full proof way.
    P.S. Get on IRC :p
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