How to change world type?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xXsatanXx, Jul 26, 2012.

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    I'm using multiverse core. I dont want my worlds to have _nether and _the_end at the end of the names, so i disabled the creation of those worlds, and instead created nether and en worls through multiverse. HOWEVER, the game still generates an original server world, (it has to) but I dont want it to be default. I want it to be the end. Is there any way to change my world type to the end? If i just delete the original server world, it will generate another one, so I cant do that...
  2. Try something like this

    /mv create {world name here} NETHER

    Or to see enviroments

    /mv env
  3. Offline


    I dont want to create another world. Then I have an extra world that I dont want. I just want to change the world. You should get smart, then come back and actually ANSWER my question. K THNX BAI
  4. Offline


    If you've got a problem with our intelligence, answer your own question. It's not possible to change a world to another world type. Why exactly do you not want to remove the current 'end/nether' and create a new one (properly)?
  5. Offline


    create an end world, and change it to the default world name. this way you wont get an extra world.
  6. Offline


    Thank you. You tried to help me with my problem, instead of telling me to do something that I already said I didn't want to do. Anyway, I'll try this.

    I don't want to remove the current nether/end worlds. None of my worlds will be in the default anyway, so if I have the original world in the default environment, then it is just sitting there, slowing down my server.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  7. Offline


    You mean exporting then importing a world but changing the world type?
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    xXsatanXx Ignore everyone else in this thread. :)

    If you haven't already generated normal terrain in it, then open worlds.yml in the Multiverse-Core folder, look for the world you want to change and all the options under it, and find:
    environment: NORMAL
    Change that to whatever you want (e.g. END or NETHER):
    environment: END
    However, if you have already generated normal terrain in that world, that terrain will stay. You'll need to remove the world with /mvremove worldname, delete it's folder in your server directory, then make it again using the command /mvcreate worldname. You won't be left with a world you don't want because you deleted it before you re-made it under the same name. :)
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