Solved How to change catch in fishing?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Quaro, Apr 14, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    How to change catch in fishing?
  2. PlayerFishEvent ?
  3. Offline


    Yes but how to change the catch?
  4. If you mean the item you get, I'm not sure, this needs testing, which means printing values in console to be sure it triggers what you expect !

    First check if state is caught fish then get the caught entity and check if that's instanceof Item (the entity) and from then you can cast, but just see if you get till there.

    If that's not it then I don't think it's easily possible with the API... you could alternatively do a scheduled task and remove a fish from player's inventory (if he caught one in the first place) then add your whatever item.

    EDIT: Or yeah, duh', cancel the event when they catch something =)
  5. Offline


    Since there is no method do change the catch, you could do a workaround:

    Cancel the event, give the player the item you want caught.
  6. Offline


    Im not so good in english, so i need examples please.

    So i have to do something like this?
    if(event.getCaught()!=null) {

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
  7. Offline


    If you will, yes.
  8. Offline



    MCMMO Changes what items are fished..
  9. Micius
    getEntity() can also be the entity you thrown the hook at... like an animal or a player... if you remove a player entity the game might go nuts, so try to follow what I told you.
  10. Offline


    Or, instead of removing the entity, cancel the event.
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