Solved How to change a command name by getting the command name from config?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TheWolfBadger, Jul 10, 2015.

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    So I have a plugin named uChoose-Parties and it allows you to select the name for the group/party. The problem is the plugin.yml. I have to put the command in there for it to be registered, but I want them to be able to choose the name of the party/group. So let's say the config Party name they choose is "Gang". I want all the commands to be /gang to be ran. How would I get this set up?
  2. I think @mine-care made a tutorial on how to add a command without using the plugin.yml
    mine-care likes this.
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  4. @mine-care I was looking for that myself a few days ago. Thanks for posting the link.

    I have huggled you too :)
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