How to break blocks within a Bukkit plugin?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by w0lfx, Apr 26, 2011.

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    I'm toying around with some ideas for plugins but I've run into a little snag, wondering if anyone has a solution/suggestions?

    How to destroy a block ?

    How I've currently been dealing with it is somethin of the likes of this:
    Technically this does work and seems like the only way of doing it as far as I could find. However, with Minecraft 1.5 comes the Statistics feature. So any blocks for which breaking is "simulated" with the above steps is not counted as actually breaking a block :(

    Is there a workaround or solution to this? How to make the block actually break (instead of turning it into air) or how to change the properties of a certain tool (make it mine REALLY fast for example)
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    Maybe getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new BlockBreakEvent(...));
    I didn't try it, just guessing.
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    Daniel Heppner

    You might play around with onBlockDamage.
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    I've tried calling events the way shamebot said before, and personally haven't found it to work. However I have had success in calling a function directly from net.minecraft.server, I'd advise the block class, function a(World, EntityHuman, int,int,int,int) or b(World, int, int, int, EntityHuman) (those are the only two that seem to have a world, coordinates, and a player involved)

    You could also use Player.incrimentStatistic(Statistic, Material, int).
    R3ality likes this.
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