How is that thing possible? O.O

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Zarkopafilis, Jun 12, 2014.

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    Been playing hypixel arena today... I noticed something interesting,,,,
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  4. Zarkopafilis Learning from code is good. Stealing code is bad. Check the resource section, though. You may find what it is you are looking for.
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    If you intend to copy the code then don't bother decompiling, if you wish to see how they went around doing things then why not? Overall, you will learn one way or another.

    Whenever I'm stuck and I know a plugin that can achieve what I am planning to do I decompile it, look how the author has done it and as I've learnt how the author has done it I am now able to implement it using my own code.

    There is nothing wrong with learning from decompiled code, but stealing from it is so.
    AdamQpzm likes this.
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    I dont want to steal it... I already have implemented tons of stuff on my plugin...
  7. Zarkopafilis Doesn't prevent the desire to steal though :)

    "I didn't steal that, I pay for lots of things!"

    As said, decompile or look at the resource sections. I can see holograms in there. That's probably a good place to start.
    Zarkopafilis likes this.
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    I am probably going to use it as a normal plugin because I use bukkit's system for deaths , not a custom one....
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    Instead of killing the player with .kill() and do custom stuff with the data i have stored I use the events to proccess the death/hit therefore it can listen to it
  10. Zarkopafilis Still not getting how that's relevant to you not understanding how to create holograms.
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    Not been up to date for some time
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