how do you convert Player to String

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by jakepozaic, Jan 4, 2012.

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    [SOLVED] I am relatively new to plugins and I am looking for a way to change Player to string for use with a hashmap I need to do this because 'event.getPlayer()' returns a Player while 'sender.getName()' returns a String heres my source.

    public void onPlayerLogin(PlayerJoinEvent event)
            if (XXX.debug = true)
                System.out.println((event.getPlayer()) + "has logged checking if tables have been generated...");
            //on login check if there is a key set for that player
            //if yes then close if no then create a new key for the player
            //get if there is a key set for player name if false then create one
            if( XXX.isXXX.containsKey(event.getPlayer()) )
            Player playername = (event.getPlayer());
            String playername1 = playername;
                if (XXX.debug = true)
                    System.out.println((event.getPlayer()) + "has tables generated.");
                if (XXX.debug = true)
                    System.out.println((event.getPlayer()) + "doesnt have tables generated.");
                    System.out.println("generating tables for" + (event.getPlayer()));
            XXX.bite.put(playername, true);
            XXX.bite.put(playername, true);

    static HashMap<String, Boolean> bite = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
        static HashMap<String, Boolean> isXXX = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
    public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args)
                //if player is XXX
                    bite.put(sender.getName(), true);
                    sender.sendMessage("Your next attack will XXX someone with XXX!");
                    if (debug = true)
                        sender.sendMessage("" + bite);
                    //end code
                return true;
            return false;
    also if anyone knows how to save/load hashmaps that would be great (I cant figure out the SLAPI on the wiki's tutorial...)

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    Father Of Time

    We sure do see this comment a lot, it needs to be added to a "generic FAQ".

    The problem is that a player isn't just a string, its an instance of a class that stores a ton of information, one of which is a String named "Name". When you just print a player object you are actually calling a function that returns a pre defined string that contains a a few peices of information about the player object itself. Instead what you are wanting is to grab a single string variable from the player object named "Name". Lucky the player class has a built in function named "getName()" that returns the string from the player object.

    So to put it simple, all you need to do is change:

    to this:

    I hope this help clear things up, take care!
    jakepozaic likes this.
  3. Offline


    lol thanks, it would have take me a week to figure that out XD
    Father Of Time likes this.
  4. Father Of Time is correct, just simply change event.getPlayer() to event.getPlayer().getName() ;)
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    Father Of Time

    It's my pleasure, I am happy to be of assistance. :D
    r3Fuze likes this.
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