How do i get the player from PrepareItemCraftEvent

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Rasmase, Apr 14, 2013.

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    I am trying to limit a custom crafting recipe with permissions. How do I find out who triggers the PrepareItemCraftEvent?
  2. event.getView().getPlayer() and check if it's instanceof Player then cast.

    It's a HumanEntity object which means NPCs can trigger it as well.
    Rasmase likes this.
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    I get this error:

    Type mismatch: cannot convert from HumanEntity to Player
  4. Offline


    I'm not sure how to do this, but try event.getPlayer() or event.getEntry.
    I'm not at my computer so I can't test anything.
  5. Rasmase
    Post your code.
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        public void onPlayerCraft(PrepareItemCraftEvent event) {
            Player brewer = event.getView().getPlayer()
            if (event.getRecipe().getResult().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals("Beer")) {
                if (brewer.hasPermission("")) {
                    //Let him craft
                } else {
  7. Rasmase
    You're still not checking nor casting...
    HumanEntity human =  event.getView().getPlayer();
    if(human instanceof Player)
        Player player = (Player)human;
        // do stuff.
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    Thanks! Works now.
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