How do I create a yml file and read it

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by aionchaos, Feb 1, 2017.

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    I want to create a file that when executing a command it stores (world, locx, locy, locz) of a block that I am looking at.
    I already got all the location of the target block, but wanted it when executing the command.
    I would check if the file exists, if it does not exist then create: Ok
    Save your data as follows:


    I want every time I run the command it increments one more number in the sequence and adds below it (location, clear-inventary, chestpack).

    afgegfedg.png I

    The biggest problem I have and the number in quotes.
    Because I do not know how I create it or how I add +1 to each executed command.
    It's also a way of reading.
    When I run another command it checks in the .yml file if it has inside the chestpack: default2 and capture the (location, clear-inventory) only of the session that I have chestpack: default2.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
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    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2017
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    I understand, but how do I create this ('0', '1')?

    When I execute a command it saves in the file the chest in the section chests but always with that number in parentheses before.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
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    int maxChestNum = 0;
    for(String s : getConfig().getConfigurationSection("chests").getKeys(false)) {//Gather up everything that's once indented underneath "chests"
      //s will be all of the chest numbers, because they're once indented (not twice, not negative once)
      try {
        int i = Integer.parseInt(s);
        if(i > maxChestNum) maxChestNum = i; //We're basically scanning and counting up to see which max number we reach so we can find our next number.
      catch (Exception e) {
        continue; //Whatever we got was not a number or Int, guess we must ignore it
    getConfig().set("chests."+String.valueOf((maxChestNum+1)), "loc,etc,4 or so times"); //The path for your next chest, i.e. number that isn't taken yet
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    The code is failing, where am I wrong?
    There is no error in the code plus the command fails to run.
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    What is not working? Does the path get saved to the config? are the values for the WXYZ correct?

    BTW: @Drkmaster83 , you set it up so it always will override the path with the highest number. t will always be equal to an existing path, so it will always override one of them. For both of you, to fix this issue, add "t++;" at the end of the for loop (right before you create 'w')
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    1. The value of t will change as your progress through your loop, so even if the chests turned out to be out of order
    ('0', '4', '1', '2', '3'), your system would still think 4 (even though it's already made) is the next number (since 3 > 0 and it's the last number the loop sees).
    2. Your original posted yaml syntax said the base key was "chests", not "Chests"
    3. You will never be able to save a chest if someone puts one of the chests as "Potato" or the like instead of '(a number here)'

    @Zombie_Striker In my original code, I got the highest number, and then
    Edit: One thing I wasn't thinking about at the time I wrote that code is the path after the next number, i.e. the location, items, etc
    @aionchaos (pretty sure this is functional)
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2017
    Zombie_Striker likes this.
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    I corrected that mistake. My mistake!
    More remains with the failure to execute the command. afwfawefewfafgegews.png

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    Something is null on line 75. Is that line 75?
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    Pretty sure that code literally does nothing different than what it had on your previous post. Also,
    @aionchaos <-- Even more functional (excuse the added code for functionality, changes are reflected in right-hand code's comments)
    The null would be the if statement if we hadn't created our first chest yet.
    Also, @aionchaos, a word to the wise would be to check if the chest already exists in the config
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2017
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    I've been trying since early today, so I changed the name to Chests.
    I made the changes.
    I added some information to the PNG field of view.

    Sorry it took me a long time to respond and because my internet has dropped more than 10 times.
    Code worked like this.
    I just added line 77 (ch.createSection ("Chests");)
    Then he saves the first chest.
    Then I noticed a problem.
    When I try to save the second chest, save on top of the first one.
    That is, it replaces the first.
    I do not understand, line 80-83 should solve this.
    The variables are at the beginning of the class.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2017
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    There's a reason in my code I had an if statement before the createSecion statement. Everytime you create it, it erases everything underneath it and starts from scratch.
    if(ch.getConfigurationSection("Chests") == null) ch.createSection("Chests");
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    Worked perfectly.
    Thank you @Drkmaster83
    Now I just have to make a way to check if the chest already exists or not because it's added chest repeated.
    Do you have any idea to do a type check?
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    Just check the location in your count up loop, you have the data there anyway, might as well use it
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    I have a plugin that does something similar to what you are talking about @aionchaos Would you like to see the snippet that may work for you?
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