Solved How can I "make" a player

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by thekillerregs, Sep 13, 2016.

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    Everytime I want to test a plugin that deppends of two persons, I need to open another minecraft account and log it on my server. I would like to know if there is any way to like "create" a player and log it on the server without needing another minecraft account. Than it would be really easier to me.
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    Nope. You can create "NPCs" (non-player characters), but they will not trigger any events. I would recommend you add features to allow your account to act as two players or find work arounds. If you really need a second player, try asking a friend or someone on the bukkit forums to join your server.
    thekillerregs likes this.
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    Ok, thank you :) .
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