How can I Learn Bukkit

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by XavierMechanics, Nov 21, 2015.

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    Hi !

    I just wanted to ask, how can I learn bukkit?

    I read that you must learn Java before Bukkit, but I have a little knowledge on programming such as C++ . Is that enough to skip Java? Also, I watched different tutorials on how to make a bukkit plugin on YouTube and I learned basic things such as sending a message on a command sender.

    So you, how did you learn Bukkit?

    What are your resources?

    What are your steps on learning Bukkit?

    How can I start learning to manipulate events?

    Is there something that I can read so that I can learn?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @XavierMechanics Java has its own things that are different from C++, not enough to skip Java.
    Learning Bukkit: made sure that I had basic java knowledge, added Bukkit, started over again at hello world.
    Bukkit API, and what else I wanted to do.
    Java, Bukkit with hello world, trial and error.
    By doing after the requirements are met.
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    Thank you :)

    Since I'm a freshman on Computer Science. I just got excited to learn bukkit because we will study Java on second year.

    BTW, i will study Java first and after that i will start to study Bukkit.
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    Mrs. bwfctower

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    I already knew Java by the time I found Bukkit so I just started reading the plugin tutorial from the Bukkit Wiki
    • Bukkit JavaDocs
    • Regular JavaDocs are always good too.
    • Bukkit Forums. Now I try to refrain from asking questions. Most of my questions that I had were already answered on a thread somewhere on the forums.
    • Google. A lot of search links were pointed to threads on the Bukkit Forums.
    1. Learn the basics of Java. Includes syntax, control statements, commonly used libraries/APIs that is packaged with Java, OOP principles, etc...
      This is a good site to learn Java from but there are several others too.
    2. Don't use Youtube to learn Bukkit. Most of the tutorials on there are made my people who don't know enough about Java (and many people think they can "code" from them when they really can't and then they have problems and freak out and ask question on here that are basic Java problems. Don't be that guy!).
    3. Speaking of knowing Java.... if you know Java well, learning the Bukkit API will be easy.
    4. Again, use your resources.
    5. When I started learning Bukkit, helping people on here with their Bukkit development problems helped me a lot. It allowed me to do some research about the API and also let me see what that Bukkit API can/can't do.
    The Bukkit Wiki has some good information on that.

    Of course there is! Some of the links I posted are one of the many ways to learn.
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