How can I change messages per language set in config.yml?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ElCreeperHD, Sep 6, 2015.

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    How can i change messages per language set in config.yml?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @ElCreeperHD When sending a message, retreive it from the config? Or buffer them, probably faster
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    Sorry, I explained bad. My question is:
    How can I change a message for example, if i execute /Help and it says "Hi", how can i make that if you have set on config.yml language: ES , it says "Hi" in ES?
  4. @ElCreeperHD You have to get the language from the config and then you can use if-Statements for each message for example. You could also use an enum.
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    There are multiple ways you can do it.

    You can either store message key to it's message in your preferred language.
    Then translate the message into the one stated in the config using a Translate API
    If you want to translate "Hello!" in from English to Portuguese just write:
    Translator translate = Translator.getInstance();
    String text = translate.translate("Hello", Language.ENGLISH, Language.PORTUGUESE); //Ola
    You can have multiple maps whilst contain message keys to translated text. You then get the message from the map that corresponds to the language in the config.
    Map<String, String> en = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, String> por = new HashMap<>();
    en.put("hello", "Hello");
    por.put("hello", "Ola");
    System.out.print("Hello in English is " + en.get("hello")); // Hello in English is Hello
    System.out.print("Hello in Portuguese is " + por.get("hello")); // Hello in Portuguese is Ola
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    If that solved your issue set the thread prefix to [Solved]
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