How are people able to run 300 slot servers?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by TowelieDOH, Aug 12, 2011.

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  1. it isn't :)
    I was just curious how you had 1gbps, now i know, so.. sorry for the offtopic.
  2. Offline


    WTF ? Xmx is NOT a GC switch dude.
  3. Offline


    You would need a dedicated server box with max specs. I don't think anyone has the need for so much power when the biggest servers run like 180-200 people.
  4. Ah Then that explains why i've been having problems having Xincgc on without having Xmx set :D (server constantly allocating more ram)
    I'm not too good at java, however i do have an advisor :)
  5. I wanna know that too... Planing on renting a server (i7 990x) But I'm really confused now if this would be the right decision and I'm asking myself if it will be even able to support 200 players in the end...
    Maybe better build a system myself and overclock a i7 2600k??
    I think we need something like a Bukkit benchmark so this all gets a bit clearer. - Hey im going to request that now. :)
  6. After doing some small changes (ditching Falsebook and going for Craftbook and updating mcmmo) my server now has 19-20tps with ~50 players online and about 18-19tps with 70 players online.
    However, this is only valid for a few hours after the server is started, after that it starts to go down to 15-16 tps.
    I also did other modifications (such as removing -Xnoclassgc from the launch params. It turned out to be bad for performance)
    Hope this helps!
  7. Offline


    Try setting -Xmn####m to 3/8 of your -Xmx####m.

    You are likely lagging due to -Xincgc pausing the application at its default duty cycle.

    -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC + a liberal eden/new generation size squashes 99% of "running out of memory" stuff.
  8. Offline


    Most I ever have is 10 players. Sometimes 20.

    Am I Doin it wrong? (Insert meme Image)
  9. Offline


    Hmm my Core 2 duo 3ghz ad 4 gig of ram runs 11 players with no lag on ADSL2+ speeds, I don't know what your doing wrong tho.

    My cap is 25 and that would be my limit Id say, When I have like 10 ppl online I have only used up 900 ish mb of ram out of allocated 3gig.
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