Hook into Essential's teleport delay

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by JjPwN1, Jul 11, 2013.

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    I have a quick question on how I might go about getting Essential's API and using it's teleport delay in one of my commands? The Factions plugin does so, so I know it's possible to do it, but I can't find out how. Thanks for any help.
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    Why not make your own delay..?
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    Using Essential's wouldn't take as much time, as it's already coded.
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    Well it'd take about 10 minutes to make your own, but you've sat here for 50 minutes waiting for an answer, so where does that leave us?
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    Why must you question my motives? If I wanted only a simple delay I would make it, but I asked how to use Essential's, and that's what I need.
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    I question your motives because there are easier alternatives
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