Solved Hide Itemframe but not Item

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Timpa1971, Apr 15, 2015.

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  1. I want to hide an ItemFrame but still show the item inside the frame to the player. Is this possible or is the itemframe and the item the same entity? Or is there a other solution to show an Item (not dropped!) at a wall? or is it possible to show a trasperency map on a wall without the itemframe in the back ground? I don't want code, but only keywords. Thanks in advance.
    mine-care likes this.
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    @Timpa1971 Hmm it is actually a nice question, and i supose a lot of people would have this,
    PacketPlayOutEntityDestroy might do but i am 99% sure it will also hide the item in the frame.
    There might be a DataWatcher value that i am not aware of to do the trick but you will have to ask someone more experienced D:
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    Dont forget to tagh! ( i acidentally came across this) So you want an item to stay mid-air?
  4. @mine-care look at the picture .. it's not the picture i want to have in the itemframe but it's the same like my logo, with transparency so you see the itemframe in the background :/ so i just want to have the text on the wall
    View attachment 23970
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    @Timpa1971 Probably not the best solution, but a resource pack can do the job.
  7. @Letscrime I'll see if I can find somethind in ProtocolLib, but i don't think so.

    @Konato_K Maybe it's the best solution with a own recource pack ... if i don't get a other way, I'll do that.
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    not possible at all
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