Question Hero-chat Format for Roleplay

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Ranger2415, Apr 11, 2015.

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    Hey there, so i'm thinking about using Hero-Chat, but I can't figure some things out. First off, I don't want it to put the World name like [World]Ranger2415 before you everytime you speak, I want it to show your nickname. Along with that I want to know if its possible to make it so that you can make certain channels the words different. Like if I speak in the Roleplay channel I want the words to come out gold and Italicized. Is this possible? I posted the HeroChat config below, thanks!

    name: RP
    nick: RP
    format: '{default}'
    password: ''
    color: &6&o
    distance: 15
    shortcut: false
    verbose: true
    crossworld: false
    muted: false
    worlds: [Solumns]
    bans: []
    mutes: []
    - ranger2415
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    I'm not certain why you wouldn't just merge this with your other thread, as it's still not solved and you haven't told anyone that you don't want to use RPGChat or EssentialsChat, and this still has to do with the topic of a chat plugin, but anyways..

    Please refer to, HeroChat's Bukkit Dev page. In the Most Common Q&A, you'll see why [World] shows up.

    Furthermore, it looks as if you haven't set up your default format (format: {default}) properly in your config.yml, which is also shown on the above link. You'll need to either change {default} format to your liking, or create a new format under a new name and use that instead.
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