Help with Terrain Control

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by pale1, Jan 29, 2015.

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    I tried to do some research on the terrain control plugin but the results that I get are awful. I'm trying to create a world similar to the regular world, but it spawns biomes as big islands. The islands have to be fairly close to each other. Perhaps around 12-20 chunks away from each other. I also need ore spawn rates changed. Diamond should spawn in only 1/6th the current frequency, Gold should spawn as much as iron, and Iron should spawn 1/2 as much as gold regularly spawns. Coal, redstone, and emerald can stay the same.
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    @pale1 Is this a development issue, a plugin request, or do you need help with terrain control? If it is a development issue post what you have at the time.
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    Oops, I accidentally put this in the wrong section @timtower I think it should be in "Plugin Help/Development/Requests"
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    @pale1 I'm still not sure what you need.
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    This stuff: I'm trying to create a world similar to the regular world, but it spawns biomes as big islands. The islands have to be fairly close to each other. Perhaps around 12-20 chunks away from each other. I also need ore spawn rates changed. Diamond should spawn in only 1/6th the current frequency, Gold should spawn as much as iron, and Iron should spawn 1/2 as much as gold regularly spawns. Coal, redstone, and emerald can stay the same.

    I deleted what I originally had because it was nothing like it was supposed to be.
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    @pale1 Are you trying to develop a plugin to do this or find a plugin that does this?
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    Im trying to configure the plugin TerrainControl to do this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @pale1 Don't tag moderators / admins for moderator tasks. Use the report button instead.
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