Help with privileges

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by The_Galaxy, Sep 24, 2013.

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    I have priv installed and the groups mostly work but I can't /pg list

    [WARNING] Unexpected exception while parsing console command "pg list"
    exception executing command 'pg' in plugin Privileges v1.7.5-b158

    And I get the message that a users rank is too high to promote/demote regardless of what group they are in and I can't reload the plugin with /priv reload
    [SEVERE] Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-3"
    4:09:20 PM CDT CONSOLE: [SEVERE] org.apache.commons.lang.UnhandledException: Plugin Privileges v1.7.5-b158 generated an exception while executing task 19
  2. Offline


    You didn't actually list the error here, please do so.
  3. Offline


    Thats all I see in console,here is on startup in the server.log
  4. Offline


    The_Galaxy Don't reload your server - restart it instead. Reloading gives nasty errors, like this one probably.
  5. Offline


    I didn't reload, I always restart it, that error was found after a auto restart with nobody on the vanilla test server. Thats why i'm so confused, I can't /priv reload or /promote (rank too high). The main thing I need is to be able to promote mid game and to have prefixes for individuals in groups, how can I do this? Thanks for replying!
  6. Offline


    The_Galaxy Oh, right. I could've seen that. I think you should send this error to the devs of Priviledges, and make them aware about this.
  7. Offline


    Ok i'll do that but do you know of a way to get players their own prefix that overrides the group they are in? A person in the default group having their own prefix?
  8. Offline


    The_Galaxy I think the person prefix is more important than the group prefix, meaning that it'll take the user prefix, and not the group prefix anyway.
  9. Offline


    My problem is I don't know where to set the player prefix, I didn't setup the prefixes in my chat plugin I did it all in groups.yml.
  10. Offline


    The_Galaxy Look it up in the documentation of your permissions plugin, it should be in there.
  11. Offline


    With privileges all I get is the .jar conf.yml users.yml and group.yml I don't see where to put user prefixes. In the groups.yml I made a

    username: '[&442&r]'

    and it had no effect.
  12. Offline


    The_Galaxy I kinda meant look it up on their BukkitDev page. It must be documented somewhere. (Also, I'm thinking there's a command for it, and you can change it manually in users.yml too).
  13. Offline


    Well adding the prefix to the users.yml worked, which is strange because it didn't work the first time I did it. Might be the version of royal chat. 0.8 seems to work the best. Either way it works now :) thanks.
  14. Offline


    No problem! You can totally mark the thread as [Solved] now!
  15. Offline


    I loaded it up on my main server but I have 3 issues with it I did #1 - -bukkit.command.plugins and - but players can still do #2 I have the plugin global market and market permissiosn set but I get a "you do not have permission for this command" in yellow text. Does that plugin have it's own permissions or something? #3 all prefixes I set in users.yml don't show up the player has no prefix just "username: message" Why isn't the prefixes in users.yml working?

    Update- after messing with it for some time I got everything to work except disabling /plugins still works with - -bukkit.command.plugins so what did I do wrong? Yet - blocks /? just fine

    <Merged double post - Use edit button to edit your post - Necrodoom>
  16. Offline


    The_Galaxy Please send me your permissions file.
  17. Offline


    Lolmewn Here is my groups.yml also I can't reload privileges which I would love to do. Also itemframe shop perms don't seem to do anything people don't have

    Lolmewn Also here is the error I get when I try to reload
    [SEVERE] null
    12:49:08 PM CDT
    exception executing command 'priv' in plugin Privileges v1.7.5-b158

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
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  20. Offline


    Lolmewn Is it a problem with the yml? I can't reload and some permissions like the item-frame shop and /plugins can't be disabled, yet they work fine with PEX. Also the prefixes in the users.yml are buggy and I'll set them and it just removes the players prefix seemingly randomly.
  21. Offline


    The_Galaxy The YML looks fine. I honestly have no clue what's going on... sorry.
    If you say PEX works fine, maybe that's what you should use then.
  22. Offline


    The main reason I want privileges to work is that I want to use royal chat instead of it's chat manager. Is there anyway to do that with pex?

    Lolmewn Also this is the error I get when reloading (or trying to anyway) privileges maybe this means something?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
  23. Offline


    The_Galaxy You should probably pass that error to the creator of the plugin. I'm a bit clueless as to why it doesn't work.
  24. Offline


    Maybe you know if I can use a different chat manager then the default chat manager with PEX? So I can use royalchat instead of it's chat manager?
  25. Offline


    The_Galaxy Think so, yes. I'm using HeroChat in combination with PEX myself, works fine.
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