Question Help with HUB world in my server

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by BGGamer441, Aug 28, 2016.

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    Hello everyone, I really want to know if you can tell me some plugins that might work good. Let's see here, I have 2 worlds which are HUB and Factions (I know they are supposed to be different servers, but I'm just faking it now). So the question is: Is there any Hub plugin that gives gadgets and compass only in the stated worlds, but is possible to use /hub in every world? I have it setuped like that on my server now, using a hub plugin and PermnissionsEx and PerWorldPLugins (which actually doesn't work how I want it to, for example if the plugin is supposed to be only in one world, like lag clear, it still shows the Cleared how many entities in all the worlds, which I don't want it to do) Also, this way the players are able to go to HUB using /hub from another world, but they don't have the items when they join for the first time. I am begging you to give me a plugin that gives the users /hub and with it some cool gadgets, but everything except the command /hub can be only in the specified worlds, and a plugin that permanently stops plugins from interacting in other worlds, please! (It could be even a lobby plugin, as long as it still has the same functions) Also is there any other plugin that imitates PartlyFancy? Because I am using it but even if I give the permission fancy.item the users can't get the chest :/ Thanks in advance!
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