Help to stop Hackers. (Not hackers like Nodus, etc.)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by FrozenInTime, Jul 26, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Uh sorry but I can trust my OPs with worldedit not to mention i make bi daily backups. Add to the fact logblock is being actively developed again thanks to md_5. Logblock's commands are easy to use and I've been using logblock since last july.
  2. Offline


    Logblock ftw! I cannot live without it
  3. Offline


    Sure, it's being actively developed, but CoreProtect is still ahead of it. CoreProtects commands are also easy to use and are fairly similar to LogBlocks. I've been running a MC server since before Bukkit, so I've used just about every block logger out there. CoreProtect is the best and the fastest IMO. On my server, Admins have all WorldEdit. Even my top 2 tier donators have it. I have only had a few problems, but they are very easy to prevent now. I have backups every 6 hours and offsite backups every day, so I don't have to worry about losing anything ;)
  4. Offline


    Thats very nice for you but I already stated its more personal preference then anything. Im not about to learn an entirely new plugin just.. because its apparently better.
  5. Offline


    I just don't like people going around hating on plugins they haven't even tried.
  6. Offline


    I have tried it, and again I didnt like it. Also criticism isnt hate, it's a personal opinion I decided to share with the original poster.
    JOPHESTUS likes this.
  7. Offline


    Okay, I Will try to use a log plugin, etc . If the hackers come back.
  8. Offline


    Yeah for rollback plugins its defiantly personal preference as I love logblock commands and all the args to do the rollback and would find it hard to change from it.

    You have a serious problem...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  9. Offline


    Kay, I'll put in logblock and Then Copy the log and put it here. (if They come back)
  10. Offline


    Your only making it easier for me brah.
  11. Offline


    Guess we got another dick like mrman, he gonna get banz0rd
  12. Offline


    Ikr but this one is far stupider...
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


    Ok.. Now I really need to find a good way to get more members again. It's usually noone on my server anymore.. Is it safe to put it out on Planetminecraft, Or should I put it somewhere else?

    PS: I now got AntiHack and CoreProtect.
  15. Offline


    I would get nocheatplus as the antihack I found was really inactive.
    I would think its safe to put on minecraft forums, planet minecraft and other server websites just don't give anyone op it's a big mistake.
  16. Offline


    I don't give anyone OP that I don't know. I OPped someone I'd knew in 3 years, But the y still hacked/griefed my server. I have now been alot more careful with that.
  17. Offline


    Sorry, but I would like if we got on-topic instead of making this Support thread useless.
  18. Offline


    Good idea.
  19. Offline


    i agree that there will never be a sure way to stop hackers.
    i know there is definitley a hack they promotes people.
    i once had a guy called batman come on.
    looked in console.
    says [player_command] batman: /manuadd batman super.
    it seems that there is no defence against that :(
  20. Offline


    There's no guarantee that plugins anywhere then are reputable. On a another note, that could just be a bug in the plugins code (whichever plugin is /manuadd). You should regularly check your ops.txt too. A good practice is to decompile and browse through a plugins code if you think the plugin may not be reputable.
  21. Offline


    /manuadd is groupmanager.
    maybe it a bug in the plugins code, good point.
    good idea to check in ops.txt, although i have OPPassword, nothing if full-proof.

    sorry for being a twit, but i do not know what reputable means, so i do not understand all that you are saying.
    i actuelly removed /manuadd and /manpromote etc, so nothing like it can happen again.
  22. Offline


    how the hell is typing a command is considered a bug in the plugin code? >.> he never said that it actually ranked.. seriously, be a bit less paranoid
  23. Offline


    • Do not as for personal info, server admin, or to move a conversation of this nature out of public view
    Hey. I can help you with this problem as i had it on my server and got it fixed with help from some friends. They can help as well if I can't. but pm me your server ip and i would have to get on and maybe ask u to install couple of plugins which will allow us to see any leaks in the perms and stuff like that, bandage it with a new code and method, and get you server fixed. So let me know whats up and i'll be more then happy to help.
  24. Offline


    GamerSam4u This thread has been dead for more than 2 years now, no need to bring it back to life.

    Also, any help provided should stay in the thread, taking it to a private conversation out of thread could lead to someone trying to pull something malicious.
  25. Offline


    - Insert something witty about locking the thread here -

    I'm not very puny today.
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