*Help* : Plugins - WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Essentials - Lava/water/tnt

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Oystein Pettersen, Feb 19, 2011.

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  1. Hello, i was looking for someone to help me out with

    buckets (Lava/Water)

    (I don't even want them to be able to have them in the inventory)
    But is possible i me as the owner to be able to use it.

    I guess all this is done with the Config.Yml's.

    So is there anyone out there that is able to help me write the configs to suit my server.

    -Regards Oystein
    --- merged: Feb 20, 2011 12:35 AM ---
    Kind of a short desc on what i'm looking for.
    TnT= Can't even be created, placed down and not even in /Give
    Lava= Can't be placed down, can't be given in /give.
    Water= Can't be place down, can't be given in /Give.
    Bucket= Can't be given in /give.

    Boats/Minecarts aswell...

    But if there is a way to make it like, me as the Main-admin can use it. but no1 else that would be kind of cool.

    I'd love some help

    -Regards Oystein
  2. Offline


    look at this list

    you should be able to find something that meets your needs in there
  3. I thank you for that Mughi.

    --- merged: Feb 20, 2011 1:37 AM ---
    I sadly can't find what im looking for :s

    Something that sort off,

    Makes Lava useless, and only good for the looks but still quite dangerous to fall in.
    Same goes for water.

    And TnT = 100% Removed...

    And Bucket of Lava and Water only obtainable true an Admin -.-

    Gotta keep searching!
  4. Offline


    you did notice that there were more categories than the one it went to with my link, right?

    i'm fairly certain that there are plugins that do what you want.. unfortunately, i don't know what they are or what category they fall under :(
    --- merged: Feb 20, 2011 1:40 AM ---
    also.. iWatch in that list i sent you sounded fairly close
  5. I will check it out, and thanks for the help again :D
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