Help damaging entities with fire.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by iClipse, Jul 16, 2016.

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    So Im no so new anymore, I made an accound earlier, forgot the password (lol), people told me to learn java, guess what. I learned Java 2 years ago, but barely practiced it since. But anyhow, I got my older bro who has taken university courses in Java, so he helped me out with that. Now I got an issue. Im making a plugin that has custom enchants, one of them is "Molten Core". What it does is damages an entity if they hit someone with the enchant. Heres what I got so far.

        public void onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent event)
            if(event instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent)
                EntityDamageByEntityEvent e=(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) event;
                    [What do I put here?].entity.setFireTicks(1250);
    Anyhow, the question is, "What do I put here?]. Kinda easy to figure out my question. What I want is for it to get the entity that damaged the other entity.

    Also, no, my older bro doesn't know Bukkit.
  2. @iClipse Why are you using EntityDamageEvent then checking for EntityDamageByEntityEvent, just use the EntityDamageByEntityEvent.
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    Dont ask. My brother said he was making it easier on me, and asking what id did at the same time xd
  4. @iClipse Just make it an EntityDamageByEntityEvent then do event.getEntity and make an instance check on that to see if it is a player.
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    K thx m8

    Does this work?
       EntityDamageByEntityEvent e=(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) event;
                    ((EntityDamageByEntityEvent) event).getDamager().setFireTicks(1250);
    Cuz I did that without a single bit of help from my bro.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
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    No, just listen to it instead
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