Health in Creative?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Cam0007, May 14, 2013.


Would you use this on your server?

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    I want a plugin that has creative inventory and flying but a health bar and hunger bar at the same time. I want it for my home server for friends and staying in creative is dumb cause things cant hurt you (Its cause I want it for factions). If this is at all possible please tell me. And I cant pay anyone cause I'm only 15. Sorry. And any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.
  2. Offline


    Sadly its not. It would be a great idea, but Minecraft controls the health / hunger bars. When coding, all i can control is how MUCH food, health or exp a player has. I CANNOT, however, decide if they have a health, food, or exp bar.

    Sorry :(
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Suggestion, take it or leave it ;)
    Give the players fly, give them unlimited blocks, give them insta break. You still have the survival inventory though.
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    So you can make someone in creative have health and hunger but with no bar? Even if you could make that I have the health bar plugin on my server.
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    Cam0007 in Minecraft 1.6 you will be able to see your EXP bar in creative. With what you requested, no, it's not possible. The best you could do would be to allow them to fly (player.setAllowFlight(true) or /fly with essentials).

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