Plugin Request head pvp and more...

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Scorpionvssub, Jun 26, 2015.

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    Name: PrisonRiot

    The idea is to allow any drops on kills but mostly related to heads.

    - None

    System: compatible with 1.8.7(doesnt have to be 1.8.7 but must work on that too)

    - None(all is config related)

    Im gonna be setting up a pvp region on the server and i want to control optional drops, both streak and overal.

    Prefix: &6[&9PrisonRiot&6]
    #Set the command that will always activate when a player kills another player.
    #<> is the name of the person killing someone.
    #<> is the name of the person thats been killed.
    #<> is the name of the item used.
    Always drop: give <> skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:"<>"}
    Additional commands:
    - ''
    Aways message: '&6<> &9killed&6 <> &9and took their head using a <> Additional:&6 <item.drop>
    #if itemdrop is awesome pickaxe, killer is scorpion and fallen is claire..
    #this will return scorpion killed claire and took their head using a pvpsword! additional: Awesome Pickaxe
    ###Next is optional!!!!###
    #additional drops taken from the item.yml.
    #Default is false.
    #setting this true will make it grab 1 item at random.
    #Variable: Use <item.drop> to show show it in the "always message"
    Random drop: true
    Quick note:
    The items in this list wont all drop, just picks 1 based on a % or a chance variable then sets that as a <item.drop>

    #items here are automaticly using /give Do not add heads here!
    name: DiamondBlock
    -  20% diamondblock:15 #gives 15 diamondblocks
    name: diamond
    -  40% diamond:49 #gives 49 diamonds
    Name: 'Awesome Pickaxe'
    -  40% 'diamondpickaxe:1 fortune 3 efficiency 3 name:hey lore:just_saying_hello'
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2015
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