Harder Farming

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by diannetea, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: MECH

    Suggested name: Harder Farming

    What I want: Basically I think farming is just too easy. I'd like for it to be much more difficult.

    Keeping an animal should require a stall and food.

    The space required should be twice the animal's size, so a cow would need 4x4 and a chicken would need 2x2. The maximum animals in any one space should be 4, with the appropriate size, otherwise they run the risk of being trampled to death or disease.

    Feeding animals is now important! They will die of starvation if not fed, this should be configurable in the config. Hungry animals (half of starvation amount) should be "scared" and risk of trampling another will increase. It would be nice if they played a particle effect so you could tell they need food.

    Breeding animals should use sugarcane so they're not always horny after being fed.

    Egg laying should be reduced greatly, again configurable in the config.

    Sheep should only retain dye colors for (x) shears. I think 5 is a good default amount.

    Animals will be trampled to death if they are too crowded. They should also get sick and require medicine (golden apple/carrots). If the animal is sick it should have a particle effect.

    Players should be notified when animals are sick or die, and they should be notified when animals are hungry and need to be fed.

    I use Spigot so I can control growth rates through that, but for others this might be a good option.

    The ground will need fertilizer before crops can be planted (farm land does not become "wet" otherwise). There should be 3 levels of fertilizer that the user can set in the config, the basic one just creating usable land, the second creating faster growth, and the third creating slower growth but more crops.

    Farms should not be gigantic, if they are too crowded they will not grow. (single row plots?) The plants should not always survive anyway, so there should be a small failure rate where the crop just withers away.

    Crops should not be instantly harvestable, it should take a second to yank them from the ground.

    Ideas for commands:

    /farmcheck - To get an update on animal deaths in the past 24 hours.

    Ideas for permissions:

    farming.exempt - This player's animals, once fed do not need to be fed ever again, and their crops grow regardless.

    When I'd like it by: whenever it's a huge request it's just something I'd love to see
  2. Offline


    http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/pwnplantgrowth/ - for plants.. slow growth rate, add biome specific growing, and a chance for plants to die.

    plus i have another plugin called pwnchickenlay, its pretty basic, just makes egg drops configurable.

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