
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by KosmosPvP, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Something similar to SwornGuns plugin which is awesome but renames items in disabled worlds. Can someone rewrite it maybe or create one like it but in the disabled worlds list, make sure it doesn't rename still. Thanks
  2. Offline


    Rewriting plugins is not allowed as per the current rules. If you believe this is an issue with the SwornGuns plugin, contact them instead and ask if they can either add the feature or fix it, if it should be there and is broken.
    Constantly asking devs to re-invent the wheel for you, just because you can't be bothered making an effort yourself is starting to annoy me slightly.
  3. Offline



    I have contacted them already, I'm glad you insure people have done some effort before accusing them of something they didn't do. They haven't replied. It's been 4 weeks already
  4. Offline


    swornguns is from minesworn (im pretty sure?)
    its a lot worse than some other gun plugins out there. Im also almost certain swornguns is private. Try a plugin like CRACKSHOT (search it in bukkit dev), you can make some pretty cool weapons if your willing to learn a bit of config, i have managed to make a flamethrower, railgun and black hole launcher (alongside regular weapons)

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