guide: how to make a spigot server on mac

Discussion in 'General Help' started by shieken, Feb 10, 2015.

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    hello everyone at bukkit. today i wanted to make a guide on how to create a spigot server for mac, spigot because craftbukkit no longer works. Im doing this guide for mac because spigot says this in their wiki:

    "Compile the latest build of Spigot on Windows or Linux first, by following the BuildTools wiki page"

    this is a direct quote. you may trust spigot but one thing i found out is that spigot is lying about the last part.

    First i should tell what buildtools is. buildtools is a jar file that you can download. it must be decompiled for your server to be created. they say it can only be done on linux or windows but i found that isnt the case. this is why im writing this guide.

    First, you'll need the actual jar file, which can be downloaded from spigot on their jenkins page. place the file in a folder, not your desktop, because there is a lot to decompile.

    First you need to go in textedit, hold shift, command, and t, then copy and paste this in:

    cd "$(dirname "$0")"
    exec java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar buildtools.jar nogui

    look familiar? well if it does that means youve probably made a server before. this is one of the 3 ways a bukkit server is related to a vanilla server, besides the point theyre both minecraft. anyway here it is: your decompiling method. save this into your folder build tools is in by saving it as start.command, or any name as long as it ends with .command. now you can open this in terminal. BUT WAIT. we forgot a step. permissions. to allow yourself to open this go in terminal and type chmod a+x with a space after it. DONT HIT ENTER. drag your command file in. NOW hit enter. open your command file, and your decompiling starts right up. this will take a very long time!!!!!! it will take up to 10 minutes to fully decompile. while were waiting lets talk about some treasures we found. first treasure is a few files actually named maven. maven files are a part of your server. dont worry about them. if u look in your decompile window youll notice that it talks a lot about decompiling maven. thats why im mentioning it. theres another big file in there that is very tricky. its called work. it isnt a file in fact, but a folder. you can open up your work folder and WOW LOOK MY SERVER IS DECOMPILED. no sorry but that file is a trick. what it actually is is a minecraft_server.jar file. bukkit is a server obviously but minecraft_server.jar always will be a vanilla server. dont open it-its pointless. just leave it alone, like u did to maven. sorry i was trying to put the decompile into pastebin but it exceeded the limit. ok heres the final stage. when it says this:

    Success! Everything compiled successfully. Copying final .jar files now.
    Copying craftbukkit-1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /Users/shieken/Desktop/test/.
    - Saved as craftbukkit-1.8.jar
    Copying spigot-1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /Users/shieken/Desktop/test/.
    - Saved as spigot-1.8.jar

    it may look a little different since i dont have the same mac as all of you :p. so as you can see a craftbukkit file and a spigot file were both successfully decompiled. now the other part. so you have decompiled it and have 2 jar files: craftbukkit-1.8.jar and spigot-1.8.jar. do you want your server spigot or craftbukkit? completely your choice. it changes NOTHING so dont worry. all it changes is when youre trying to go on your server with an outdated version and it either says "Spigot 1.8" or "Craftbukkit 1.8". thats it dont worry. whatever you choose copy this again:


    cd "$(dirname "$0")"
    exec java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit-1.8.jar nogui


    cd "$(dirname "$0")"
    exec java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar spigot-1.8.jar nogui

    then do the same thing u did to build tools. save it as start.command in your server folder. youre ready to run it!!!!! you can run your server by double clicking start. also make sure you did the chmod a+x thing to it. it will run and start console.

    the last part is port forwarding. this is so long to explain so ill just put the link to another guide i made: make sure you go to the second half.

    thanks for reading

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