GuessMyBuild (Minigme)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by TimmoTastic, May 1, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Minigame

    Suggested name: GuessMyBuild

    What I want: I'd like to see a minigame plugin where the players spawn in building arenas (in gamemode c) and have 3 minutes to build a theme (that is randomly chosen) that is different for all the players. After the time is finished the players will need to guess the other builds one at a time and you get points by:

    2 points: If the players guess your build correctly
    3 points: If you guess their builds

    Thank You!

    Ideas for commands:
    /gmb createarena [Name for arena] - Creates an arena
    /gmb deletearena [Name of arena] - deletes an arena
    /gmb createroom [1/2/3/4 etc.] [Arena] -creates a room
    /gmb deleteroom [1/2/3/4 etc.] [Arena] - deletes a room
    /gmb point1 [room #] [Arena] - sets the boundaries for the room
    /gmb point2 [room #] [Arena] - sets the boundaries for the room
    /gmb setroomspawn [room #] [Arena] - sets the spawn for a room where you are standing
    /gmb setwaitingroom [Arena] - sets the wait lobby to where you are standing
    /gmb setfinishspawn [Arena] - sets the spawn for players after they play a game
    /gmb addtopic [Topic] - Adds a topic
    /gmb removetopic [Topic] - Removes a topic
    /gmb setbuildtime [Number (in seconds)] [Arena] - sets the build time
    /gmb setguesstime [Number (In seconds)] - sets guess time
    /gmb join [Arena] - joins an arena
    /gmb leave - Leaves an arena

    Ideas for permissions:
    gmb.admin - gives permission to all admin commands
    gmb.default - already set as default

    When I'd like it by: In a few weeks so I can open my server to the public

    Please don't say that there already is a plugin similar called BuildMyThing because FYI I KNOW!!!

    1.9.2 would be best! (if you can't do 1.9.2 just do 1.9) Thank you so much! P.S. if your wondering what I mean about everything I can show you:

    1st part- Type /gmb join [Arena] and join a queue that says somthing like... You have joined the queue! (1/10) players so far!

    2nd part- after the minimum players have joined (change min and max in config) you are teleported into an arena...

    what you do now is build whatever a scoreboard tells you to (it doesn't have to be a scoreboard).

    3rd part: once the time runs out you will be sent to another persons arena. (P.S. you are the only player in the arena!!!!!!! Others will be at different arenas) for 20 seconds you will need to type in the chat what you think the build is. If you get it right then you will need to wait until the 20 seconds are up. (You will receive points)

    4th part: you will rotate builds until you saw all of them. The round will end and whoever won gets a reward.

    5th part: If it is a tie the players left will build another build and repeat parts 1-4!

    Last edited: May 3, 2016
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    Doesn't seem to difficult at all I'll start on it. (Mainly because I never have anything to do) What version of minecraft? 1.7/1.8/1.9? I'll let you know tomorrow if I still want to do this.
    Last edited: May 1, 2016
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