Group Manager Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by devintripp, Jan 14, 2017.

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    So I kind of have a big question here. I will post the neccessary documents if they are needed or requested. So, basically I have a server with multiple worlds using the plugin multiverse. there are 3 main worlds. The hub world, the survival world, and the prison world. the hub and survival share the users and groups, the prison world shares none. basically I want to share all the users accross all the worlds, that way if I add donator ranks to one world they extend to all. right now if i do /manuaddsub {name} g:group, it only adds the sub group to that world. so if i take a portal to world i then have to re add the global group. this will not work for donations because you can't collect the data for which world your in in buycraft. So, I thought that if i make all the worlds share the same users it would fix this problem. it only creates a new one. when i make all users share for all worlds whenever i enter hub it always reverts me back to the default rank. so if i go to prison and rankup to rank b then i go through the portal to hub and back to prison, i will be placed back into the a rank by default. i don't understand why this is. If someone could please help me with this predicament, or let me know of another plugin that would fix this or just tell me to get pex which is not ideal because i have all the settings set for group manager perfectly.

    if there is a command in group manager that allows you to add a subgroup to the users of all worlds this would work fine. if anyone knows a plugin that can accomplish this let me know. i could be missing the command or something.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2017
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