Grief Prevention - Please Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xDizasterCYx, Oct 9, 2013.

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  1. Hello to everyone, if you tried the grief prevention plugin, me and many peoples have problems with this plugin, this plugin is an Anti-Grief and with that you are claiming your land.... so my problem is:
    when you are claiming, everything is ok, others player can't break blocks but they can open your doors, levers, AND THE MOST IMPORTANT YOUT CHESTS, maybe some plugins are causing the errors but i tried it much times, can someone tell me what plugins are causing the error?
  2. Offline


    Do you get any errors in the console ?????
  3. Offline


    Can you send a link to the plugin you use ???
  4. i am using many plugins, 121 plugins :DDD
  5. Offline


    If you are referring to the plugin specifically known as "Grief Prevention" instead of generically referring to "a grief prevention plugin", then my first presumption is that you need to look at your configuration file and verify if those things are actually marked as being protected. Even if you are referring to some other kind of grief prevention plugin, people here can do very little to help you if you don't both specify which plugin you are using for this feature AND the current configuration files you are using for it (use something like pastebin).
  6. hmm i will check that, thanks for helping :)

    FOUND THE BUG: it because of the following plugins:
    1 And the most important: LightingStaff
    2. LWC

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
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