
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Phineask12, Nov 7, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Falling Blocks?

    Minecraft version: 1.12.2

    Suggested name: GravityBlocks

    What I want: I don't even know if this is possible, but here it goes! Every five blocks you go horizontally, the sixth block will fall, like sand or gravel. Kinda like this: 2017-11-07_10.47.33.png
    So, when building a house you need pillars to support it so the roof doesn't fall on you while you're sleeping!

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: No permissions needed either!

    When I'd like it by: Anytime before 11/7/2018 ;)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Phineask12 What would count as supported? Only straight down? Or also diagonal?
    [brickblock] [brickblock] [brickblock] [brickblock] [brickblock]
    [brickblock] [air] [air] [air] [air] [brickblock]
    Or also
    [brickblock] [brickblock] [brickblock] [brickblock] [brickblock] [brickblock] [brickblock]
    [brickblock] [brickblock] [brickblock]
    [brickblock] [air] [air] [air] [air] [air] [air] [brickblock]
    This needs pretty strict rules for the code.
  3. Offline


    I didn't think about diagonal.
    Do both.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Phineask12 Haven't said that I would yet.
    That would be infinite in range then.
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    Infinite how?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Phineask12 Infinite as in you can repeat that pattern till you hit the worlds height limit.
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    You could do that going straight up too, couldn't you?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    But that wouldn't allow a huge dome like structure.
  9. Offline


    Oh I see what you're saying now.

    Okay then straight up and down only!

    Can you make it so that it doesn't effect some blocks? Like don't make leaves fall, so trees are still normal looking
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Phineask12 Still not sure if I want to do this.
    There are a lot of things to keep in mind:
    1. What is solid ground
    2. What is supported
    3. How are the calculations done (mostly which one)
    4. What happens with things that aren't regular blocks
    5. When do blocks fall
    6. Which events to check
    7. What range to check (to enforce 5)
  11. Offline


    1. This wouldn't matter because there will always be a dirt block under a grass block so they wouldn't fall anyways
    2. You mean like what blocks will fall down? All of them except bedrock and slime blocks (because slime is sticky)
    3. I'm not sure I understand this one
    4. Like stairs and slabs? Couldn't those fall too?
    5. Right when they're placed too far away from a supporting block
    6. I don't understand this either
    7. Range as in how far away the support is from the falling block? The falling block is 5 away from the support meaning its the 6th block

    (I hope I answered these how you wanted)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    1. Then they can just build a dirt pillar, put grass on it, remove the pillar.
    2. Which blocks shouldn't fall based on distance and blocks around it.
    3. Distance checks, if they are done in circular fashion with Pythagoras or based on coordinates.
    4. More talking about chests, signs, things with special information on them.
    5. Pistons? Explosions? Enderman that take pillar blocks? Pilar blocks mined?
    6. See 5.
    7. See dome scenario.
  13. Offline


    If a block were to be remove from the support (by a piston, explosion, etc,) then the support will fall thus making the no longer supported blocks fall too.

    Storage blocks with an NBT data wouldn't fall because that would be impossible to keep the NBT data in then whilst falling, wouldn't it?
    And a dome would be fine as long as there are supporting blocks to keep it up.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Phineask12 Ground support is an issue, what is ground support? Can't be a grass block as I explained.
    Can't be a straight pad to bedrock due to tunnels.
    And you say "as long as there are supported blocks to keep it up"
    But what defines that.
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    I thought my first request was really straight to the point but I guess not.
    Let me rephrase it for you.
    If a block is 6 blocks away from a pillar that is touching bedrock, it, and all blocks past the 6 block mark, will fall. This includes caves, domes, and any other type of structure you can think of

    -Thank you
  16. Offline


    @timtower Is what I'm asking possible for you to do?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    I mean it CAN be done... But this plugin would be quite big... Not to forget it would cause a lot of lagg (especially if it had to check on all the blocks before the plugin was added).
  19. Offline


    And if coded incorrectly, all caves could collapse. You could just check each time a block is placed. Via Player/mob or dispenser
  20. Offline


    That seems easy enough, can you do that?
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