GranadeCraft - CUSTOM GRANADES - LIKE Call of Duty - Need Update

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Myph, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. Offline


    GranadeCraft - Plugin which allows the user to use and create custom granades, PERFECT FOR PVP SERVERS! However it's not updated to 1.4.7, would someone mind doing so.
    1. Would be nice to see multiple custom grande effects
    2. Option to disable granade effects and damage to player
    Thanks for your support.
    - Myph
  2. Offline


    I only know how to make explosive, fire, and a disorient grenade. I don't understand how I would make a lightning grenade..
  3. Offline


    Just check for ProjectileHitEvent, and get the entity's world.strikeLightning(entity.getLocation()), or something like that.
  4. Offline


    strikeLightning();* ;)
  5. Offline


    Whoops, wasn't thinking :p
  6. Offline


    Just wondering if I need to repost this to get more developers.
    • Is anyone attempting to continue it?
  7. I maybe. Let me look around more of the plugin.
  8. Offline


    Too bad there aren't any other grenade plugins out there :p
  9. Offline


    Your SimpleGrenades seem perfect, is it up to date?
    It would appear so, thanks.
    How does one use a grenade with your plugin? (not very well explained)
  10. Offline


    I keep all my plugins up to date (except incantations, which isn't mine :\).

    You just give a player a permission node, and they will be throwing that grenade when they chuck a snowball. I have a few updates that are partially done, but I wasn't going to add them if there wasn't interest. It works fine though, and can be quite fun :)

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