Filled Golden Head's

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Meeran, Jun 26, 2016.

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    Plugin category: PVP

    Suggested name: UHCGoldenHeads

    What I want: an item like the regular golden apple but it gives 4 hearts of regen instead of the normal 2.
    Ideas for commands: /giveghead <Amount> Perm; GHead.spawn

    When I'd like it by: Anytime this week ;)
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    OTF Catastrophe

    Hi @Meeran there's no possible way to give players more than the default 2 golden hearts provided with the Absorption effect. I have a compromise with it though. I already set up the plugin, but the way it'll work would be:

    By default the amplifier 1 for Health Boost gives a player 4 more hearts. I could make it so when a player eats a gapple they'll get 4 extra red heart slots that I can either make permanent and give them a regen effect for the same time a regular gapple gives, OR I could make it so the player has the extra 4 hearts for a certain amount of time before it wears off and gets rid of the players hearts. I have the plugin made already so I just need your choice so I can finish it and give you the link to download :)

    Also one more thing, would you want it so if a player eats any regular old gapple it'll give them the effect or would you rather I give the item a specific lore so if the player eats the gapple with that lore they'd get the effects and not just regular gapples?
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    well it is because i just got a dev to do it, also many servers have it so done tell me it wont work
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    OTF Catastrophe

    Did the author upload it to his BukkitDev account? I'd like to check it out.
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    @OTF Catastrophe

    I would as well, and @Meeran, no reason to be rude about one developer knowing something that another one doesn't.
    StayCurious and OTF Catastrophe like this.
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    OTF Catastrophe

    My apologies, after @Destroyer7712 had messaged me about a possible way of doing it I looked back at my code and realized I had made some errors. It is definitely possible to give a player more than 2 golden hearts from absorption.

    By using (p.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.ABSORPTION, 200, (int) 1.5D));) I was able to give the player exactly 4 hearts of absorption. Again my apologies.
    Destroyer7712 likes this.
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    I Al Istannen

    @OTF Catastrophe
    "(int) 1.5D"
    This is useless. The double 1.5 will be casted to an int (= deleting everything after the decimal point), making it one. Just use "1".
    bwfcwalshy likes this.
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    OTF Catastrophe

    The reason I used (int) 1.5D was because it equals out to exactly 4 golden hearts like what the OP wanted. 1 as the amplifier equals out to 2 hearts and 2 as the amplifier equals out to 6 golden hearts. So by putting 1.5 you can give the player exactly 4 golden hearts.

    So for the OP's plugin, the author who made it must have to have used it to make his plugin.
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    @OTF Catastrophe
    He is right though, (int)1.5D = 1. Using 0 as an amplifier gives you 2 hearts, where 1 gives you 4, and 2 gives you 6
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    OTF Catastrophe

    Imma just stop while I understand what's going on. Yeah you're right.
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    I Al Istannen

    @OTF Catastrophe
    Well, the effect one is quite clear. 0 means 2, 1 means 4, 2 means 6 and so on.
    But to the number things I stated.

    A double or a float are floating point numbers (a special kind of decimal numbers). An integer (int) can only store whole numbers though.

    What happens when you cast a decimal number to an int?
    There are two ways to convert a decimal value to a whole number.
    1. Rounding. 1.5 would become 2. In this case you would directly write 2, as it is more clear. To get this behaviour, use the Math#round(double) method. There are also Math#ceil(double) and Math#floor(double), for rounding up and down.
    2. Deleting everything after the decimal point. This way 1.99999 would be 1, but 1.0000001 too. This is what happens if you CAST a decimal number to a whole number. This means "1.5" will just be "1" and you can insert that directly.
    Hope that helped :) If you have any questions, just ask them!
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    OTF Catastrophe

    That's actually really good to know aha. I was working on it previously and every time I put in 1 as the amplifier it'd only give me 2 hearts, then I realized that I totally botched the code I was working with and that's why(It only gave the player 2 hearts from the gapple because I didn't register the events aha.. I know, pretty big fail there.). I was looking over Google and found that people were saying it wasn't possible them I realized the threads where like in 2012 and 2013 therefore not being available at that time.

    So in any case would decimals EVER be allowed inside of an amplifier? Say 0=2 and 1=4, is there a way to use 1.5 to equal out to say 3 just to get a more specific amount?
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    I Al Istannen

    @OTF Catastrophe
    I wouldn't call this a big fail :p I forget it regularly :D You just have to find it, before you lose your mind... :)

    The javadocs say no. The amplifier is an int. Integers can't be decimal numbers.
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    OTF Catastrophe

    Thankfully this time I didn't lose my mind this time aha, thanks for your help regarding my questions as well aha! :)
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    I Al Istannen

    @OTF Catastrophe
    No problem :)

    Have a nice day and good luck with your next project :D
    OTF Catastrophe likes this.
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