/god conflict (WorldGuard + Essentials)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by KazukiMutou, Mar 19, 2011.

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    Hello all,

    I've run into a snag. I am unable to disable /god because WorldGuard and Essentials are in conflict with each other. How would I go around fixing this? Note that simply adding every single permission instead of a wildcard is something I would like to avoid. If anyone could assist me with this, it would be appreciated.
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    Use groupmanager instead of permissions and add a negative permission node.
    But.. I run both essentials and wg, and I have no issues with /god.
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    I had this same issue. You can go into ./plugins/Essentials/userdata/Username.yml (from your minecraft dir), where Username is the affected user's username, and remove the line "godmode: true" entirely". Then, go up a level (./plugins/Essentials/) and edit users.yml , removing the same line from underneath that user's name.

    Then, run /reloadall in the minecraft text window or reloadall in the console. Make sure /god tells you you're disabled (so you don't also have it on in worldedit), and you should be good to go.

    I have no idea why WorldEdit -has- a god command, it seems to be out of its scope.

    @anon : I don't think it's a good idea to tell someone to change their plugin to something else (something inferior in my opinion) to resolve an incompatibility.
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    Go to Essentials.jar, open plugin.yml. Remove the node "god".
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    I didnt. As u can see, OP made 2 questions on his thread. One regarding essentials/WG problem, another one unrelated to that asking if there is a way to not have to manually add users and permissions. By that time march 19, groupmanager was the only plugin that had that option. Yedit wasnt updated, and didnt work, the oters "permissions" addons werent launched.
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    @anon : No, he wanted a fix for the problem that didn't involve manually editing permissions for each user. It bugs me a bit when people think "don't use it" is a solution to a problem.
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