/give command help.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Ilikebookies, Apr 13, 2016.

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    Hey guys I was wondering how in a give command can set a time where a person got a item.

    For example if someone got a item in a crate and it was a diamond axe the lore where have "Their name" "Date" "time"

    Another example of the lore if someone gets the crate "Ilikebookies 4/13/16 10:17"

    I know the give command is like this /give <player> diamond_axe 1 name:Hi lore:Got_From_The_Crate|<player> (something else) but I don't know how to add the date and time to the give command. So please help me.
  2. Offline


    You can make a plugin that prints the current timestamp in the lore.
    But I am not sure if you can add this with the command itself...
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