Solved Getting who dropped an item

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Betagear, Oct 10, 2015.

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    How can I do to know who dropped an item with ItemSpawnEvent ? (or another event)
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    You are making alot of posts here.

    Try playerDropItemEvent. you can then store it by using an hashmap and adding the entities UUID with the player's UUID.
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    @Zombie_Striker I know, but i'm working on a huge update w/ thing I haven't experimented yet.

    Worked. Quick resolution.
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    @Betagear Have you tried looking at the Javadocs?
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    @Betagear I am aware that this is solved. But have you tried looking at the Javadocs to look for a simple method instead of always going straight to the forums?
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    @henderry2019 Yep but I didn't fount PlayerDropItemEvent. (I wasn't thinking at all something like so existed)
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