Getting command results

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Warreo, Oct 28, 2013.

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    I have no idea if this is even remotely possible, but I'm trying to make a player run a command (which I already know how to do) and get the result of running said command. For example having a player dispatch the command /balance and getting the result, assumingly as a string, and again not sure if possible, without displaying any of it to said player. Please note I'm not looking for the economy object that Vault implements but the resulting string of running a said command.
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    You would simply need to write code that would do the checking of the balance without running the command itself.
  3. Offline


    Unfortunately, that's what I figured. But just curious if it was remotely possible.
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    It should practically a copy/paste from your command, really.
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    Well it wasn't so much I was trying to get results from my own commands, but more other plugins assuming said command returned only a player message.
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