Getting all chests in the world and fill them with random stuff

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by KaiTheCoder, Aug 8, 2017.

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    Getting all chests in the world and fill them with random stuff

    Please Help!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @KaiTheCoder When somebody clicks the chest fill it with random stuff.
    With a cooldown
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    We are here to help you fix your problems, not write the plugin for you. We will guide you how to do this, but you will need to be the one to write the code. If you run into any problems coding, reply with the code you have written and tell us what is wrong, and we will tell you what needs to change.

    Here is what you need to do:
    1. Create a array of itemstacks that can be added to the inventory.
    2. Listen to playerInteractEvent
    3. If the chest needs to be filled (either by checking if it is empty, or if it has not been clicked before)
    4. Select a few random spots in the inventory and fill them up with a random item from the array.
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    Like this?
    for(Chunk c : Bukkit.getWorld("world").getLoadedChunks()) {
    for(int i = 0; i < c.getTileEntities().length; i++) {
    if(c.getTileEntities().getType() == Material.CHEST) {
    Chest chest = (Chest) c.getTileEntities();
    Inventory inv = chest.getBlockInventory();
    inv.addItem(new ItemStack(Material.ENDER_PEARL, 13));
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