Getting a specific line in a file?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Skionz, Nov 16, 2014.

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    Is there any way to get a specific line saved in a file without iterating through each line?
    Here is what I am currently doing
    String toGet = "Line to get";
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.path));
    for (String line; (line = reader.readLine()) != null;) {
        if(line.equals(toGet) {
            //The line equals toGet
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    Not as far I know, you'll need to iterate through all of them.
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    Konato_K Damn it gets fairly slow at like 100 lines. Thanks though.
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    Skionz Try to use a different method of storage then
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    Konato_K Yea I would use a database in a different situation but I'm writing an API for file storage so I am just trying to make it more efficient.
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    Skionz A more "efficient" way (in terms of speed) it's to use one file for whatever you're trying to do (let's say you want to store data of players, so you create a file for each), but this will cause a high disk usage.

    Also if you know git, the object files are stored in folders named with the first two letters of it, not sure if you get what I mean
    Skionz likes this.
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    More efficient way to make each line to have fixed size, like 128 or 666 bytes.
    In case of 100th line you simply read file with offset of 128*100 with length of 128.

    Normally i would suggest to read zip or FAT32 format specifications, but it's unlikely for you to implement allocation table and payload.
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