Get the "left/right"-neighbor of a block

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Meldanor, Feb 12, 2011.

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    Hi guys,

    I'm really happy with the API and I want to programm a plugin, where players can build hatches for their castles or their houses.
    I don't know, how to find out, what is the left and the right neighbor block of one block.
    I know, that in a 3D-world, there is no left and right, there are just the x,y and z coordinate and the orientation.
    Anyone an idea, how I can get the block, which is one position to the right of my origin block? The right side means the right side of the players view.

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    Player.getLocation().getYaw() will give you the rotation of the player on the y axis.
    You have four cases 0°-90°, 90°-180°, 180°-270° and 270°-360°/0°
    you then have to test if your neighbour-blocks to the origin block are at x-1/x+1, z-1/z+1, x+1/x-1 and z+1/z-1 depending on each case.
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    Thanks for the hint, I had a lag on my brain, so simple. Question ist, what the rotations resemple.
    0-90°(or is it a half pi ) stands for north and is it going clockwise? I'm missing some comments in the code and some examples for the java doc.

    90° = NORTH
    180° = EAST
    270° = SOUTH
    360° = WEST

    And it is in degree instead of the mostly used radiants
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