Get real client IP from reverse proxy

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Kakarot, May 13, 2016.

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    Hey everyone, this is my first post here :D

    I've recently set up a reverse proxy which works fantastically and protects my server's real IP. But now all players that log in get a "proxified" IP so I can't really ban based on IP or get proper statistics collected.

    I know the proxy itself is probably passing the real IP in headers and I could figure out how to do it on some kind of a web server, but I have zero idea how I can have Minecraft/Bukkit do it.

    Any help?
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    Banning based on IP isn't really the best choice, unplug your router for 10 minutes and you have a new one, unless its a static IP, but mostly they're dynamic.
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    Yeah I know it's not, and since I'm only allowing registered Minecraft players I don't rally need it. But I do need the real IP for several other things, like geolocation and other statistics.
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