Get plugins list

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by SP_S6, Jan 22, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    The new updated version is really nice but it is a little annoying that it replaces what you type with the top result when you hit enter. It would be very much appreciated if this didn't happen.


  2. Offline


    Maybe you push down arrow to select something from the drop down menu of auto completes?
  3. Offline


    I agree its kinda annoying
  4. Offline


    Maybe I am browsing plugins with names in common and not looking for a specific one, it's better to see a page of results and view through them at your leisure... why shouldn't you be able to use a search box as a search box and also press down to select the specific plugin to auto complete when you are looking for a specific one?
  5. Offline


    Exactly, that is what google does
  6. Offline


    Google also lets you search for exactly what you type rather than auto fill over it with the closest thing that it thinks you want to search for...
  7. Offline


    As does the autofills are just suggestions..
  8. Offline


    My point is to give those suggestions, but if you push enter, don't take the autocomplete suggestion unless you push the down button
  9. Offline


    I search "Essentials" and get a ton of stupid wiki stuff that nobody reads anyway, it would be nice to have plugins first all the time.. especially if they were popular..
  10. Offline


    You're a bad person.
  11. Offline


    Nope, can't replicate on or on BukkitDev projects search.
  12. Offline


    If you must use BukkitDev (why aren't you using the shiny new search thing?), you'll have to setup the appropriate filter, as lukegb said:
  13. Offline


    Yet, whenever I narrow my search to "Projects" (should be default), Essentials comes up, but it's 16th down in the list. And other projects above it have update dates of times ranging from late 2011 to 2012. It's not that big of a deal, just pointing it out.

    Haha, oh no I love the Bukkit wiki, I meant the forums for the plugins! (Got confused by "Projects only" and "Wiki only") I see everyone's problems with Essentials on their "forum", rather than the plugin itself. Wouldn't it make sense to show plugins first? But again, just a minor annoyance!
    View attachment 12550

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
  14. Offline


    Yeah, I admit the search on DBO isn't perfect, part of why get plugins is better. See here and Essentials is marked #1.
  15. Offline


    No when you hit enter it replaces what you typed with the suggestion at the top of the list (the whole point of this post is because i does this... it overwrites what you have typed with the top suggestion in the list).

    For example: If you want to find plugins with "Lock" in the name, so you type "Lock" in to the search box, when you hit enter it replaces what you have typed with "LockIP".

    It's not huge, just a little annoying and unintuitive.
    joshwenke likes this.
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